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Congratulations to Global Connections to Employment Team Member of the Quarter, Liberty!

Liberty Hoekstra and Stephen Sandquist holding her cetificate
Liberty Hoekstra and Stephen Sandquist

Liberty Hoekstra, food service supervisor at Eielson Air Force Base, has been named Global Connections to Employment’s Team Member of the Quarter for her compassionate leadership and dedication to her team.

Supervising 6–12 team members who serve 600 customers daily, Liberty developed unique ways to show her appreciation through small tokens like keychains, lanyards, and thank-you cards, reminding her team that leadership recognizes their contributions.

Aaron Oeth, who nominated Liberty, highlighted her response when a team member was medically evacuated, as she organized support and began developing a meal train program to help others in need.

Living by her motto, “When you invest in people, it never returns void,” Liberty’s leadership inspires her team and strengthens their mission.

To work with inspiring team members such as Liberty, learn about careers with GCE.