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‘Advancing Access and Equity’

group presenting proclamation

Pensacola, Fla. (October 13, 2023) – “Advancing Access and Equity” is the theme of this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Global Connections to Employment (GCE), based in Pensacola, Florida, is one of the country’s largest private employers of persons with disabilities. GCE kicked off NDEAM celebrations with a proclamation from the Pensacola City Council on Thursday, Oct. 12.

NDEAM is a time to pause and recognize the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities to ensure a diverse and inclusive American workforce. The essential roles that people with disabilities fill creates a high demand for their skills and talent. GCE is helping them achieve their training and employment goals and advancing access and equity.

For instance, more than 1,500 people across the country work for GCE. In Florida, 457 team members with disabilities work at a variety of sites, most of them in the Panhandle. Approximately 360 team members with disabilities live and work in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties, at places like Naval Air Station Pensacola, Eglin Air Force Base and LifeView Group. During October, GCE will host employee celebrations at all of these locations.

The nationwide GCE team provides support and training for people with significant disabilities, including war-wounded veterans. They provide accommodations for team members too. The agency is a top 10 nonprofit agency under AbilityOne®, with many awards for service excellence. They empower team members through meaningful employment, matching them to careers in in IT, food services, custodial services, business services, and facilities maintenance. In addition to employment opportunities, GCE provides employment and support services to position them for success.

Learn about GCE services at Learn more about their parent company LifeView Group at